Way 2 Migrate

As the number of asylum seekers continues to increase, New York City recognizes the need for a sustainable and long-term approach to address the crisis. The Office of New Americans Services and Outreach (OASO) has been established to lead the city’s transition from an emergency response-approach to a steady-state approach.

Centralized Arrival Center and Housing Strategies

OASO’s main initiative will be the establishment of a new, centralized 24/7 arrival center to replace the Port Authority as the primary destination for asylum seekers. The city will also explore potential short- and long-term strategies regarding housing, including partnerships with religious institutions and innovative ways to finance new affordable housing. A pilot program with The Center for Discovery and SUNY Sullivan will offer 100 asylum seekers the opportunity to live at the SUNY Sullivan campus and receive workforce training.

Workforce Development and Legal Services

Workforce development is another critical component of the city’s response. Asylum seekers are federally mandated to apply for work permits, and the city will help asylees understand the process and ensure they are ready to obtain employment when they are legally authorized to do so. The city will also provide Occupational Safety and Health Administration training in a variety of in-demand industries to further prepare asylum seekers for employment. Legal services will be critical to ensuring that asylum seekers are equipped to navigate the immigration process and avoid immigration services fraud. The city will develop a centralized entry point system to help asylum seekers navigate the federal immigration process.

Engagement with Stakeholders and Interstate Coordination

Engaging all New Yorkers will be key to the city’s success. The city will hold a series of roundtables with stakeholders to learn directly from them and devise new ways they can participate. The Mayor’s Fund to Advance New York City’s Asylum Seeker Relief Fund will continue working to raise $25 million from philanthropic organizations and corporations to support the city’s collective response. Interstate and interagency coordination and engagement will be critical to the city’s success, and OASO will convene other cities and localities facing similar issues to advocate for more decisive action on the federal level.

A Proactive and Holistic Approach

In conclusion, the city of New York is taking a proactive and holistic approach to managing the asylum seeker crisis. Led by the newly created OASO, the city is transitioning from an emergency response-approach to a steady-state approach that will enable experienced community-based providers to work more closely together. Through a combination of emergency and long-term housing, workforce development, legal services, and engagement with stakeholders, the city is taking decisive action to support asylum seekers’ transition to self-sufficiency and long-term resettlement.

New York City’s Response to the Asylum Seeker Crisis: A Holistic Approach

As the number of asylum seekers continues to increase, New York City recognizes the need for a sustainable and long-term approach to address the crisis. The Office of New Americans Services and Outreach (OASO) has been established to lead the city’s transition from an emergency response-approach to a steady-state approach. Centralized Arrival Center and Housing […]

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